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This page lists all of the 6SN7 tubes I currently have in stock, including all industrial and European versions.

It is a long page, use your scroll button and scroll down the page to see it all.

These are extremely high demand vintage tubes, so I have these listed on their own page, as my stock changes rapidly. If you need a quantity of these tubes, or have specific needs such as matching, special construction, etc., please e-mail me. NOTE: Our inventory is being simplified to show that we either have adequate stock on hand ("in stock"), are out of stock ("temporarily out of stock"), or stocks change very rapidly with rare, high demand tubes ("call/e-mail"). Stock levels with actual quantity on hand shown are being phased out as we update inventory. The only exception to this will be very scarce tubes where we typically will only have a small stock on hand. Of course, any time you need a large quantity of tubes of any type, is is a good idea to email us for a stock check first.

NEW! CURVE TRACER MATCHING AVAILABLE! We can match most small signal preamp tubes on a Tektronix 576 curve tracer. This runs the tube at full rated plate voltage, and plots the curves at 10 different grid bias levels. The most accurate method to test tubes, the curve plots can actually be compared to the printed examples for each tube type that appear in the manufacturer technical data sheets and books. Each triode of a 6SN7 can be compared both internally (balanced) and to other tubes (matched). Curve tracer internal balancing, or matching of two or more tubes on the curve tracer, adds $10.00 per tube to the cost and is done upon request. Prices listed below for "matched pair" tubes are Gm matching only, and there is no additional charge for Gm matched pairs. For most uses, Gm matching is fine. Curve tracer matching would be recommended if the tubes are to be used in a phase inverter circuit, phono or microphone preamp, or other critical or demanding circuit. Curve tracer matching is an additional special request item and is charged in addition to the listed price of the single or matched pair tubes on this page.

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An Important Note About NOS Tubes. Please Read.

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The 6SN7 tube is a medium-mu twin triode in an octal based package, usually glass, although some metal envelope types were made. In normal use it operates as a class A amplifier. It was widely used in the early days of television as the vertical amplifier, and it's use was so common in most TV chassis designs that vintage 6SN7 tubes are still fairly easy to find today. Audio designers soon found it made a great audio preamp with it's large plates, ample power reserve, and low microphonic octal package. The GTA and GTB types, having been fine tuned for demands in television chassis vertical sweep circuits, can handle up to 7 watts maximum plate power!

The demands for these tubes today are primarily in vintage and recent design audio amplifiers and preamplifiers of the high-fidelity type, up to and including the most expensive and esoteric. It seems there is a 6SN7 tube for every taste and budget, and some of the vintage versions are being hunted to extinction, especially those made for the military. I will try to explain the differences between some of these tubes, and list specifically what I have in stock. I expect some of these tubes will skyrocket in price worldwide as more and more audio designers find out that this preamp tube is a design that really can't be improved upon....and that the fine vintage tubes just cannot (and probably will not) ever be duplicated by a current production tube.

Three envelope sizes are common in the full octal base version: SHORT, glass is 1.5 inches high; MEDIUM, glass is 1 3/4 inches high; TALL or "TALL BOY", glass is 2 inches high.

6SN7GT / G:

This is the original version of this tube. It may be found in all three sizes of glass envelope. The Sylvania Tall Boy types have two triangular shaped plates facing each other mounted high in the tube, with either a top or bottom getter. Later GT versions were in a medium glass envelope with a green label and blackplates with bottom getter, sometimes called the "Bad Boy" 6SN7, and are sought after for their excellent sonics. The Bad Boy tubes are virtually identical to the military VT-231 from the early 1950s and are currently a less expensive alternative, but this could change as the Bad Boy fad catches on! A side note about Bad Boys, there were versions with 2 rivet holes in each plate, and versions with 3 holes. Both types sound identical. Don't fall for the bogus story that only the 3 rivet hole types are the true "Bad Boys"! You will miss out on some great sound from the 2 hole type, since the 3 hole versions are more difficult to find, more expensive elsewhere, and don't sound any different! I suspect the "3-hole only" story got started by my competition to justify charging a higher price for these tubes!

The early Sylvania GTA and GTB types had a top getter and silver flashed the entire top of the tube, sometimes called "chrome tops" or "chrome domes". Many brands used this design, but the high mounted triangular plates means it most likely was made by Sylvania. An unusual twist on this design is the "Mouse Ear" Tung Sol 6SN7GT. This medium glass envelope tube has the high mounted triangular plates like the Sylvania, but also includes two large round clear mica supports at the top edge of each plate, parallel to the glass sides, looking a bit like Mickey Mouse Ears. These Mouse Ear Tung Sol tubes sound very nice and are worth seeking out. The early RCA "GT" types were usually in either a medium or short envelope and have a grey RF shield sprayed on inside the glass. The GE and KenRad types were similar, but the inner glass coating is deep black. These tubes usually have flat black plates, like large 12AX7 blackplates. The military versions of these are the VT-231 and are in very high demand today. Two rare early types worth grabbing at any price are the nickel base Sylvania 1940s vintage, and the early Tung Sol 1940s types with the black oval shaped plates, often found in blackglass. Both are very scarce and in high demand, which has depleted new old stocks. These have excellent sonics are are worth the extra price, if you find one. Tung Sol also made the SAME oval plate blackglass type for many other brands. Don't hesitate to grab these, they are the same incredible tubes!


This is the later improved version, and the improvements were primarily geared toward the TV chassis designers who demanded more max. plate wattage and voltage, where vertical circuits can put up to 1500 volt pulses at 7 watts on the plates. For hi-fi audio use, these improvements are meaningless. These are fine tubes, nonetheless. Most are found in the short glass envelope, but some brands like Raytheon used the Tall Boy style. Sylvania made tubes have the triangular plates mounted lower, and set at angles to each other, although some of the very earliest examples of the GTA types still used the dull blackplates facing each other. RCA used the flat black plates "sideways" to each other, and GE used the grey plates parallel to each other. The Sylvania types in demand have a large top getter patch. The earliest Sylvania GTA types have a green label and heavy top getter flashing extending down the sides of the tube. Watch for the very rare "Tall Boy" Sylvania 6SN7GTA, one of the few tall glass tubes made by Sylvania for this tube type, said to rival the military types in sound quality. The early GTB types are similar, but most have a yellow or red label, with some rare first production run tubes still out there with the 1940s green label. Watch for these tubes, made by Sylvania for other brands like Zenith, Philco, and Motorola. They are currently bargain priced and are the same fine tube as those with the Sylvania label! The versions from the 1960s have the getter just covering the top of the tube. All of these have the same black triangular plates and are excellent tubes. The GE types have a side getter and large parallel grey plates, and the RCA used both bottom or side getter. Some side and bottom getter types have 2 getter patches on top, right above the plates. This often happened during the factory gettering process with 6SN7 types that did not have top getters. It is not a sign of use, as the spots are usually bright silver and visible on tubes still sealed in the box. Most other vintage USA brands you find will have been made by these three vendors, and will be one of the above variations, regardless of brand on the label. A few were made with brown micanol bases, the RCA types being very dark brown, the GE types being a lighter, marbled brown. The brown micanol bases are most often found in military tubes, as they resist heat, moisture, and fungus/mildew growth. It was not uncommon, however, for manufacturers to repackage unsold military surplus tubes in "civilian" boxes and sell them to the general public. Many audiophiles prefer either the Sylvania chrome tops, the RCA, or the GE side getter over any others, even over the military or redbase types. These are all a great bargain now, and are sure to be rare and expensive tomorrow.

6SN7W / WGT / WGTA / VT-231:

These types indicates a military spec tube that was not made for consumer use. These usually have extra support posts on the plate structure, heavy mica spacers, and brown micanol bases for most WGT and WGTA, black for the W and VT-231. These also have the famous triangular shaped black plates for the Sylvania made. They have been ruggedized to withstand shock, the brown low loss micanol base resists mold, mildew, and fungus growth, and they can withstand heat even if used upside down. The early Sylvania 6SN7W types from the 1940s had a metal collar around the base, then later a black base. These look internally alot like the early Sylvania GTA types listed above. Sylvania made these for other brands as well, including RCA. Easy to spot as they have the triangular blackplates facing each other in a short bottle, with a very heavy chrome top flashing extending down the sides of the tube. These are RARE and worth seeking out! The VT-231 was a radar tube, and the Sylvania version looks like the "Bad Boy" civilian type. RCA made a grey glass version, Raytheon VT-231s are orange labels, and the Tung Sol VT-231 is the famous and rare round plate type. The WGT and WGTA types all had brown bases. Only the WGTA types made in the late 70s and 80s reverted back to black bases then coin or wafer bases. These are all wonderful tubes, are long lived, and sound fantastic. No wonder they are fast disappearings from the vintage market.

ECC32 and ECC33:

A fine European version of the 6SN7GT. These don't often turn up in the USA. The few I have seen have been British and manufactured by Mullard or Brimar. This tube is usually medium glass, large, sometimes fat, full octal base, and some have a dark grey inner glass coating which hides the plates from view. I believe nearly all ECC32 tubes are cylindrical or oval plates and have ST shape glass. These are very rare, and worth seeking out. The early 1950s oval plates with brands like Cossor, Marconi, Osram, Mullard and Brimar are awesome. They are noted for their excellent sonics in audio use. Look for the early Mullard with the distinctive late 1950s brown micanol base with the "gold dust" appearance, of sparkling mica flakes in the brown matrix. Some may be labeled with either ECC33, 6SN7GT, CV1988 or a combination of these, or even made for other European brands. Some have the BVA label, and the older versions often have the date and factory codes on the bottom of the base between the pins. Be careful when buying these! Later versions were made in Russia, but still say "Great Britain" on them! The Russian tubes have a rounded glass top, and a cup or square shape solid getter. They also often have a large, very shiny black base NOT made from bakelite but from an inferior plastic. We do not carry these types in our stock.


Another fine military version of the 6SN7GT, this time from Western Europe. These don't often turn up in the USA. The few I have seen have been British and manufactured by Mullard or Brimar. This tube is usually medium glass, dark brown full octal base, and has a dark grey inner glass coating which hides the plates from view. I suspect these are cylindrical plates, as most of the European 6SN7 varieties have been this type. Sometimes Brimar from the Footscray, UK factory turn up. Mostly clearglass with flattened oval plates at angles high in the glass. These are rare, and worth seeking out. Not only do they sound as good as the best industrial 5692, but they have the higher specs of a 6SN7GTB with regards to plate current and voltage, and have the long heater life and overall ruggedness of the US military types. A winning combination!


This is a rather difficult to find Russian made tube that is a direct replacement for the 6SN7. This tube can be confusing to buy for the novice, as there are several versions available. The common version has a medium glass envelope and a black plastic base, and are still in production in Russia. They are of fair to medium quality, but certainly are not worth much more than $20.00 each. I have seen these tubes sold for export to the West, labelled as 6SN7GT. THE RARE VERSION, and the one to look for is the Russian military version. This tube has a medium glass envelope, with a nickel collar around the base. It has black T-shaped plates facing each other, with small holes in the sides of the plates. There may be an "OTH" production number inked on the base, and the tube type is etched within a circle on the glass. These military tubes are rare, and are built like the Tung Sol oval plates, with spring mounted spacers at the top touching the inside glass, and heavy support rods for each plate element. These tubes have incredible air and accurate bass, kind of like what a Telefunken sounds like! They are amazingly dynamic, and at the same time delicate, and very quiet. These tubes are actually rarer than the fabeled Tung Sol oval plates, and clients have told me these sound better!


This is the premimum commercial / "industrial" grade of 6SN7. The most famous of these are the RCA "redbase" series, with their distinctive red marbled full octal bases. These are always in the short glass envelope style, and most have four support rods joining the four corners of the top and bottom mica spacers and supporting the plate structure. These have 10,000 hour life filaments and are very resistant to shock and vibration, making them low in microphonics. The RCA versions have the "stop sign" label on the top of the tube with the number 5692 inside, and on the older tubes this was often smeared off, being printed with a chalky white paint. ALL of the redbase versions of this tube were made by RCA, regardless of the brand on the label. TungSol, GE, and Raytheon can often be found branded on the label, but RCA made them all. Other brands like CBS/Hytron and Sylvania made brownbase versions of this tube, but I suspect all were actually made by RCA, as they are identical inside. The brown and black base versions are a bargain compared to the rare red base types, and most have very similar construction and sonics. These are all really fine tubes, but have been hunted nearly to extinction. I usually only have a few in stock, but they are worth the higher cost in overall long life and great sound.


A tough question if there ever was one! The best advice is to get a few types and hear for yourself the good sounds you have been missing. All of these vintage tubes are excellent, much better than the Russian or Chinese yuck that is being made today. When replacing any stock Russian, Chinese, or East Europe tube with any of these vintage NOS types, you will notice immediately that the midrange glare is gone. Gone too is that honky, boxy quality, and the tiring upper midrange screech that current production tubes are famous for. Here are some VERY GENERAL observations about some of these vintage tubes:

TELEFUNKEN, and the rare RUSSIAN 6H8C METAL BASE, NOS: These tubes are usually characterized by an impressive open "air" at the top end. The soundstage is large, even in mono applications these tubes have a great 3-D image. The midrange is ruler flat, and the bass is tight and accurate. These tubes have a fine sense of dynamics, and most are impressively quiet. These are not "warm" tubes, and to some ears their lack of midrange warmth may be heard as bright. I tend to think of them as accurate, and their clean, focused sonic image is astonishing. They are both scarce and the prices are high when found. The Russian tube must have the metal base, and has T-shape plates inside with spring supports at the top, and round holes in the sides. The black plastic base version is NOT the same and only worth a few dollars. Be careful when buying these as later versions with black bases are sometimes being passed off as the early 1980s rare versions!

AMPEREX, PHILIPS, POPE, MAZDA and other Holland/France/Belgium made NOS: These tubes are a great balance of a clean, airy top end, nice midrange warmth, and accurate bass. They are very pleasant, clean, and musical to listen to in hi-fi applications. Most often found are the military CV1988 types, and the rarer ECC33 types from the 1950s. Detailed, sweet, and very three-dimensional tubes. The rare French Mazda has the air and sparkle of the Telefunken, the touch of warmth of the Amperex, and adds a nice bit of dynamic punch to the sound.

MULLARD, COSSOR, BRIMAR, and other British made NOS: Like a warm British jacket of the finest tweed, these glorious tubes have an attractive sweet warmth in their midrange and lower regions. The top end is silky and pleasant, without being rolled-off. The best of these tubes retain a fine sense of "air" at the top, and the upper midrange is smooth and liquid. These tubes reproduce the human voice, especially female voices, with haunting realism. Found both in ECC33 and CV1988 versions, sometimes with the CV1988 types merely labeled as 6SN7GT. Very rare in the USA but a very rich sonic treat to listen to.

RCA, RAYTHEON, GE, SYLVANIA, and other USA made NOS: This group is very diverse. The Tung Sol oval plates, both made for the military and civilian use, usually get the nod as the best. They are dead quiet, accurate, detailed without being sterile, holographic sonics, and an amazing smoothness and silky depth to the sound that draws the listener deep. More often found at a lower price point, the Sylvania family of 6SN7 tubes offer a nice sparkle and air at the top, a brush of midrange warmth, and nice accurate bass. The nickel base and early "W" military types are often cited as the best, but great satisfaction can be had at a lower price from the WGT, VT231, and GT/GTA/GTB chrome dome types, whose sonics are very similar to the early military versions. The "Bad Boy" GT 2 and 3 rivet hole versions are an especially nice sounding tube for the price. The GE "side getter" is a sleeper bargain tube as it sounds great and usually all versions cost less that other USA tubes! The GE is like an Amperex: airy, light, great warmth in the mids, and a nice if rather thick bass. Finally the RCA tubes hold the fort with deep impressive bass and rich and liquid midrange tones. The top is silky. The best examples are the VT231 greyglass types, and the early GT. The famous red base 5692 types are mellow and smooth thanks to their slightly lower Gm, with a beautiful 3D soundstage. Best bargain in the RCA camp is the early GTB tubes. Same rich sonics and these are usually priced well below all other types!

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Price Each

Quantity In Stock


Quantity in Stock new listing categories: "In Stock" = we got 'em, come and get 'em! "Temporarily Out of Stock" = Dang it, we just ran out, but check back real soon! "Call/e-mail" = these are rare tubes and stock changes quickly. Please call us for the latest inventory, and we can often outsource these tubes for you.


See new stock listing key at left

SPECIAL! Baldwin Organ, organ stock 6SN7GTB made by Sylvania, early 1960s vintage.

New Old Stock White Box. Great blackplate Sylvania GTB tubes screened for demanding use in electronic organs. All have passed the Baldwin factory test for audio use! This is the famous black plate 1950s-1960s version 6SN7 and is in great demand today. MUCH better than the Russian or Chinese tubes available today, at about the same price! Medium glass envelope, marked with the Sylvania green label, the Baldwin label, but all came from Baldwin stock. Organ tubes are especially fine sounding in audio equipment, and we have carefully matched these into pairs and also have singles available. MATCHED PAIRS $60.00! CLIENT COMMMENTS: "Brent, Tubes have arrived in good condition. Thanks. Of particular interest was the Baldwin Organ 6SN7 which to my ears in both a 300B and 45 SE was as clean as others costing many times more. Regards, D.P."


out of stock

Watch a brief video on available tube noise testing we offer!

Click on screen at left.

Add $5 per tube for noise testing

ECC32 ST shape 6SN7, Mullard made,RARE.

Light use, white Box. This is one of the Holy Grail 6SN7 tubes. Very rarely seen anywhere, these were made by Mullard in the 1950s. Our pair are both dated 1953. They are ST shouldered glass bottles with smoked glass internally, and large black dual square plates. They test at 73-73 and 74-74 on our Triplett tester, where 54 is minimum good. This is used but guaranteed operational. Hear how these rare tubes sound at a fraction of the cost of NOS! One pair only.

$900.00 per pair

out of stock

JAN MILITARY 5692 RCA redbase premium industrial 6SN7GT, short glass envelope MATCHED PAIR.

New Old Stock, white box and some original boxes. This is a very good, very rare dual triode. Rugged 5 support posts, 10,000 hr. life, low microphonics, a SUPER QUIET tube. The JAN military version has passed mil specs and is literally the best of the best. Very rare, they were never sold to the consumer market. This is the real thing with the heavy red base (that absorbs vibration like a tube damper) and black plates, getting harder to find every day. These are immaculate tubes. These pairs are matched to within 2-3 percent. Some say this is the best 6SN7 type ever made. These are currently all RCA label tubes, all are RCA made redbase. SINGLE TUBES, WHEN AVAILABLE, ARE $225.00 EACH.

$475.00 per pair

out of stock

5692 RCA redbase premium industrial 6SN7GT, short glass envelope MATCHED PAIR.

New Old Stock, original box and white box. This is a very good, very rare dual triode. Rugged 5 support posts, 10,000 hr. life, low microphonics, a SUPER QUIET tube. This is the real thing with the heavy red base (that absorbs vibration like a tube damper) and black plates, getting harder to find every day. These are immaculate tubes. These pairs are matched to within 2-3 percent. Some say this is the best 6SN7 type ever made. These are currently all RCA label tubes, all are RCA made redbase. SINGLE TUBES, WHEN AVAILABLE, ARE $180.00 EACH.

$375.00 per pair

out of stock

5692 JAN CBS-Hytron brownbase, short glass envelope.MATCHED PAIR

New Old Stock original and white box. More stock just in! Made by CBS/Hytron, is nearly identical to the RCA redbase version above, complete with 5 support posts. 1950s and 1960s vintage. All CBS Hytron made, most made for other brands like Zalyron, relabeled 6SN7GTB but are CBS made 5692. These are military tubes, with beautiful brown marbeled low loss heatproof bases. The heavy base actually absorbs vibration just like a tube damper would, making these ultra low noise and low microphonic tubes. Nicely matched pairs of these rare tubes, one of the better investments you can make in a pair of vintage 6SN7 type tubes! SINGLE TUBES ARE $175.00 EACH. Get a real 5692 at a savings over the redbase types!

$350.00 per pair

in Stock

Watch a brief video on some of the best vintage 6SN7 tubes ever made!

Click on screen at left.


6SN7GTY / CV1988 Mullard made, RARE.

New Old Stock original Box. The CV1988 is the European military type for the 6SN7GT. Almost never seen in the USA, the British military CV1988 is an excellent 6SN7 European type, especially when they have the rare Mullard quality. Mullard did not manufacture many of these, and they appear to have been made for exclusive military use, as they have military numbers on the box label. Hear the CV1988 quality audiophiles are talking about! Single tubes are $200.00 each.


out of stock

6SN7GTA / ECC33 Telefunken German made, RARE IN BOX.

New Old Stock original Box. The ECC33 is the European type for the 6SN7GT. Almost never seen in the USA, the ECC33 is an excellent 6SN7 European type, especially when they have the rare Telefunken quality. Telefunken did not manufacture many of these, and they appear to have been made for export, as they have 6SN7GTA on the label. Hear the ECC33 quality audiophiles are talking about! Priced per single tube. ONE SINGLE TUBE ONLY IN STOCK.


out of stock

6H8C Russian Military 6SN7GT, black "T" plates, nickel base. EXCLUSIVE STOCK, RARE!

New Old Stock White Box, aged. This is the rare military version of the 6H8C with the special 1578 stamp on the glass that audiophiles look for, NOT the junky blackbase version selling elsewhere for $25. Worldwide stocks of the military version have virtually vanished from the market. Heavy duty metal bases, T-shape plates with the holes in the sides, OTH and 1578 on the glass, and spring steel plate supports like Tung Sol oval plate construction! These tubes have incredible air, image, "rosin-on-the-bow" realism, and powerful yet accurate bass. Very hot testing tubes with great gain, yet incredibly quiet. Some clients say these are the best 6SN7 tubes they have ever heard. I have a few RARE matched pairs of these, carefully selected and matched to within 1-2 percent. Better grab them now, before these Russian beauties become rarer than Faberge eggs!

$250.00 per pair

out of stock

6SN7GT TungSol black oval (round) plates, blackglass. MATCHED PAIR

New Old Stock white boxes. The current "Holy Grail" of 6SN7 NOS tubes, this is THE TUBE EVERYONE IS TALKING ABOUT, and fast becoming extinct! These are incredible stock from the 1940s, military stock, black glass, round plates. Sweet, detailed, musical, 3-dimensional sound, and very quiet, this RARE 1940s tube ranks with (or above) very few others as the greatest 6SN7 ever made. Blackglass, black round plates with the oval or round mica spacers, spring side mica supports, excellent mint-condition NOS tubes. LAST PAIR, labels vary. Get them now, I may never again find more pairs of these! CUSTOMER COMMENTS: "Brent: The TungSol 6SN7GT round plate you sent me sounds amazing. A quiet one! Great dynamics and midrange as many have described. Well worth the money. Thanks again. S.E."

$800.00 per pair

out of stock

6SN7GT TungSol black oval (round) plates, oval and round mica, blackglass.

New old stock, white Box. Late 1940s, extremely RARE tubes. This tube is very difficult to find but extremely musical and worth the search! Perfect condition blackglass, with various OEM labels. Sweet and detailed, hear for yourself why this rare tube is considered one of the best. Same tubes as listed in the matched pairs above, except that these are single tubes, priced per single tube.


out of stock

BLEMISHED BASE OR OEM LABEL 6SN7GT TungSol black oval (round) plates, blackglass,oval mica spacer on top. MATCHED PAIR

NOS, white boxes. The current "Holy Grail" of 6SN7 NOS tubes, this is THE TUBE EVERYONE IS TALKING ABOUT, and fast becoming extinct! Save big on real Tung Sol made round plates because these have other brand labels, no label, repaired center studs or hairline cracks in the base. This in no way affects the sound or service life of the tube. Sweet, detailed, musical, 3-dimensional sound, and very quiet, this RARE 1940s tube ranks with (or above) very few others as the greatest 6SN7 ever made. Blackglass, black round plates, internal plate and oval mica supports, black bases, excellent sounding tubes FULLY covered by our guarantee. Get them now, I may never again find more pairs of these! SINGLE TUBES ARE $350.00!

$700.00 per pair

one single in stock

6SN7W / 6SN7GT Sylvania Nickel Base, blackplate clearglass, heavy top getter flashing.

New Old Stock white box. This is the the very rare 1940s Sylvania first production of the 6SN7 tube, with the nickel collar base. Black triangular plates facing each other, original type tall boy envelope, heavy chrome dome getter flashing. Marked with the very early 1st generation "6SN7A" label, some marked 6SN7W. Said to be the Sylvania answer to the Tung Sol oval plate, and they sound incredible. Extremely rare. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $500 PER PAIR, SINGLES ARE $175. One made for Webster in stock. CLIENT COMMENTS: "Hi, I have received the tubes last Friday and listened during the weekend, terrific tubes.  Thank you! z.s."  

$250 EACH

out of stock

6SN7W JAN Sylvania blackplate clearglass, black base, heavy top getter flashing.MATCHED PAIRS

New Old Stock original military box. Very fine sounding, very rare blackplates from the 1940s. These beauties were made for radar equipment, and should function for a very long time. Matched to within three percent Gm and closer on a Hickok TV-10. This is the rare early 1940s version of the military 6SN7 that predates the brownbase series, this version just slightly later than the nickel base version. A few are military surplus with rebranded labels. Save big over the nickel base version! SINGLE TUBES ARE $175.00 EACH.

$350.00 per pair

in stock

6SN7WGT/A Early type brownbase JAN Sylvania Military grade, black triangular plates MATCHED PAIR

New Old Stock Original Box and whitebox. CLIENT COMMENTS: "Hi Brent got the BABIES, MAN these are nice…..they are perfect and sound perfect,good job……. Many thanks, B.G." Scarce tubes, hard to keep in stock due to their popularity with audiophiles. These are early brownbase types, with either the dark brown or marbled brown micanol bases, all Sylvania made, some with blank labels. These are the famous military JAN tubes, as sweet as the VT-231 types, but with brown bases. Nicely matched pairs! SINGLE TUBES ARE $99.00 MORE CLIENT COMMENTS: "I really appreciate recommending, this tube is awesome. Wider sound stage better separation more air just phenomenal. I hear things off cds through headphone amp I listen to hundreds of times never heard before. Will be looking to replace power tube next Thanks Again Brent = G.S."

$199.00 per pair

in Stock

6SN7WGTA blackbase JAN Sylvania Military grade, black triangular plates MATCHED PAIR

New Old Stock whitebox. Save BIG on these late 1960s to early 1970s military black base version of the famous WGTA Sylvania tubes! Scarce tubes, hard to keep in stock due to their popularity with audiophiles. Compare the price to the early brownbase version, these are perfect if you want the Sylvania sound but cannot afford the higher cost of the early types. Nicely matched pairs! SINGLE TUBES ARE $99.00

$199.00 per pair

out of Stock

6SN7GT/WGT/WGTA brownbase JAN Raytheon Military grade, black plates

New Old Stock Original Box. Scarce tubes, hard to keep in stock. The 1950s JAN Raytheon resemble the VT-231 types, but with brown bases. Large, flat ribbed black plates. Excellent , clean NOS tubes! MATCHED PAIRS ARE $199.00 PER PAIR. A military tube that rivals the more costly VT-231 military type, and you pocket the savings! A few are made for other brands but are Raytheon made.


singles in Stock

6SN7WGT brownbase JAN Tung Sol Military grade, black triangular plates MATCHED PAIR

New Old Stock whitebox. Scarce tubes, hard to keep in stock due to their popularity with audiophiles. These are the famous military JAN tubes, as sweet as the VT-231 types, but with brown bases. These are the early 1960s versions, with tall bottles, black tri-plates at angles, and 1960 Tung Sol date codes. Nicely matched pairs! One pair is labeled and boxed for DuMont but is the same military Tung Sol tube. SINGLE TUBES ARE $99.00 EACH.

$199.00 per pair

in Stock

6SN7GT - VT-231 JAN Ken Rad, blackplates, blackglass and some clearglass, bottom getter, medium glass envelope.MATCHED PAIRS

New Old Stock original box and white box. Very fine sounding, very rare blackplates from the 1940s, made for US military. These rival the RCA 5692 redbase or Tung Sol oval plate in quality, and are just as scarce. These have the more desirable "staggered" plates with the 8 holes in the top mica, not the newer parallel plates. Full octal blackbase with silver lettering, some clearglass, some with deep black internal coating on the glass. Very rare pairs that don't often turn up. Black glass pair price listed. Singles are $190.00 each. CLEAR GLASS ARE $149.00 PER SINGLE, $299.00 PER PAIR. CLIENT COMMMENTS: "Thanks so much for the very nice Ken Rad v 231 black version you sent.  They outperformed the red base 5692 in my Audio Note system. Will deal again. E.E. "

$380.00 per pair

clearglass in stock

6SN7GT Ken Rad, blackplates, clearglass, medium glass envelope.MATCHED PAIR

New Old Stock white box. Very fine sounding, very rare blackplates from the 1940s, nearly identical to Ken Rad VT-231 made for US military. These rival the RCA 5692 redbase in quality, and are just as scarce. Some have GE labels. When available, single tubes are $70.00 each.

$150.00 per pair

out of stock

6SN7GT - VT-231 JAN Sylvania, blackplate clearglass, bottom getter, medium glass envelope.MATCHED PAIR

New Old Stock white box. Very fine sounding, very rare blackplates from the 1940s, made for US military. These rival the RCA 5692 redbase, or the Tung Sol oval plate in quality, and are just as scarce. Both white and green labels, the construction of these are identical to the "Bad Boy" 1952 type. VERY difficult to find these in pairs! Also have a few singles at $149.00 each.

$299.00 per pair

in stock

6SN7GT - VT-231 JAN RCA military 6SN7GT blackplate greyglass, medium glass envelope MATCHED PAIR.

New Old Stock original box & white box. Very fine sounding, very rare blackplates from the 1940s, made for US military. These are the very desirable VT-231 type with the grey glass, and all are military stock, originally parts for radar equipment. These rival the RCA 5692 redbase in quality, and are just as scarce. Carefully matched internally and from tube to tube. All VT-231 RCA grey glass stock, some labeled for the US Navy. SINGLE TUBES, WHEN AVAILABLE, ARE $149.00 EACH. CLIENT COMMENTS: " I really like the sound of the tubes.  The difference in soundstage with these tubes in the system is pretty drastic.  It felt very closed in the stock tubes.  The clarity is also much improved.  Thank you again for the recommendations.  Thanks. Dan"

$299.00 per pair

in Stock

VT-231 JAN Raytheon military 6SN7GT, blackplate clearglass with orange label and extra support rods, medium glass envelope. MATCHED PAIRS

New Old Stock original box. Very fine sounding, very rare blackplates from the 1940s. Early military radar stock JAN orange label, ribbed black plates. These have the extra plate support rods. Top end clarity and some warmth and body like the expensive Tung Sol round plates. These rival the RCA 5692 redbase in quality, and are just as scarce. SINGLE TUBES ARE JUST $149.00 EACH!

$299.00 per pair

in stock

VT-231 JAN Hytron (CBS Hytron) military 6SN7GT, blackplate clearglass with 1952 white label, medium glass envelope. MATCHED PAIRS

New Old Stock white box. Very fine sounding, very rare blackplates from the 1950s. Early military JAN 1952 dated white label. These are clear glass with Sylvania "Bad Boy" type riveted T-Plates facing each other. Top end clarity and body like the more expensive Sylvania VT-231 listed above. These are military stock from Hytron, parent company of CBS-Hytron famous for the rare brown base 5692 tubes, and these sound very similar! SINGLE TUBES ARE JUST $125.00 EACH! CLIENT COMMENTS: "Brent, Just wanted to thank you for your recommendation of the CBS/Hytron VT 231s that I bought from you a few weeks back. Along with the Telefunken 12AT7s that I also replaced in my Linear Tube Audio pre, I was floored. It literally transformed the sound of an already great preamp, but took it to another level entirely. It was fall out of your seat shocking. You definitely will be my go to in the future, though hopefully I will be using the VT 231s for quite some time coming. C.B."

$275.00 per pair

in stock

6SN7GTB Raytheon, blackplate clearglass with yellow label. MATCHED PAIRS

New Old Stock white box. Very fine sounding, very rare blackplates, nearly all from 1958. These are black parallel plates and the 1950s yellow label on the base. These rival the Tung Sol black plates in quality, and are just as scarce. Save on these now while you still can! SINGLE TUBES ARE JUST $75.00 EACH!

$150.00 per pair

in stock

6SN7GT TungSol early grey "T" plates, medium glass envelope. MATCHED PAIR

New Old Stock Original Box and White Box. Middle 1950s vintage, rivals the military types in sound. Rare tubes. These have the high mounted, parallel grey "T" shape plates, identical in construction to the "bad boy" type by Sylvania. This is one sweet, 1950s tube! Some have Motorola labels. SINGLES ARE $75.00 EACH!

$150.00 per pair

single tubes in stock

6SN7GT TungSol made Mouse Ears, with black or grey "T" triangular plates, two round top mica side supports.

New Old Stock Original Box and White Box. Late 1940s and early 1950s vintage, rivals the military types in sound. Rare tubes. The two "O" mica circular side mica plate supports give the tube a Mickey Mouse appearance. Most are branded with various USA brands, but all were Tung Sol made. Matched pairs, when available, are $150.00.


singles in stock

6SN7GT/A/B TungSol black triangular plates.

New Old Stock Original Box and White Box. Late 1940s and early 1950s vintage, rivals the military types in sound. Rare tubes. These are available in short, medium, and tall bottle sizes, you specify, I have them all in stock. Priced per single tube. Add $5 per tube for matching into pairs ($160 per pair).


In Stock

Watch How To Spot a Vintage 6SN7GT Part 2, HERE!

Click on screen at left.


Watch How To Spot a Vintage 6SN7GT Part 3, HERE!

Click on screen at left.


6SN7GTA RCA blackplate, side mounted getter, short glass envelopeMATCHED PAIRS

New Old Stock White Box. A nice, but small, batch of rare early RCA GTA type 6SN7 tubes. These have side mounted getters and short glass envelopes with staggered blackplates. These pairs are the cream of the crop, carefully matched to within 1-2 percent. These are often requested, but rarely found. These have been getting alot of press lately, as to their superb sound. Try 'em now before they are gone! SINGLE TUBES ARE $55. Some labeled for other brands but are RCA made tubes.

$119.00 per pair

in stock

6SN7GT RCA blackplate, medium glass envelope.MATCHED PAIRS

New Old Stock White Box. The clearglass early version of this versatle and sweet-sounding dual triode. These have staggered blackplates and a bottom getter. SINGLE TUBES ARE $70. Full black octal base with silver printing. Nicely matched pairs of this increasingly hard-to-find late 1940s tube.

$149.00 per pair

in stock

6SN7GT RCA blackplate, medium glass envelope.

New Old Stock White Box. The clearglass early version of this versatle and sweet-sounding dual triode. These have staggered blackplates and a bottom getter. Full black octal base with silver printing. Priced per single tube.


in stock

6SN7GT RCA blackplate, GREYGLASS, short glass envelopeMATCHED PAIRS

New Old Stock White Box. At last! More of the rare RCA greyglass 6SN7GT blackplate tubes! These pairs are the cream of the crop, carefully matched to within 1-2 percent. These are often requested, but rarely found. These are late 1940s vintage, like the more costly VT-231, the best 6SN7 tube RCA made, some say better than the 5692 type!

$199.00 per pair

in Stock

6SN7GT RCA blackplate, GREYGLASS, short glass envelope.

New Old Stock White Box. At last! These are often requested, but rarely found. Many dated 1948, this is the best 6SN7 tube RCA made, some say better than the 5692 type! Some of these have various other brands on the label, but are the genuine RCA rare greyglass type. Priced per single tube.


in Stock

6SN7GT BLACKGLASS blackplate, medium glass envelope.

New Old Stock White Box. At last! These are often requested, but rarely found. Most were made by National Union in the 1940s, but Westinghouse and Tung Sol are also represented. Black staggered flat plates. Some of these have various other brands on the label, but are the genuine rare blackglass type. MATCHED PAIRS ARE $120 WHEN AVAILABLE.


out of stock

6SN7GTB RCA blackplate RARE 1950s short bottle, side getter, silver label.

New Old Stock Original Box and White Box. Soaring demand is pulling this fine tube out of the market fast. Stock up now! This is the very scarce side getter short bottle only made in the 1950s. Some have other labels but are RCA made.Matched pairs $119.00!


one in Stock

6SN7GTB RCA blackplate SELECTED organ stock, medium glass envelope.

New Old Stock White Box. These are the excellent RCA GTB 1960s vintage tubes, that were aftermarket selected for Hammond Organ. They make superb audio tubes! Priced per single tube. Matched pairs $95.00!


out of stock

6SN7GTB RCA blackplate, mostly medium glass envelope.

New Old Stock Original Box and White Box. Soaring demand is pulling this fine tube out of the market fast. Stock up now! I have both orange label and silver label types, your call, same price. Priced per single tube. Matched pairs $75.00!


in stock

6SN7GTA by General Electric With Side Getter, short glass envelope, copper grid posts.

New Old Stock Original Box and whitebox. These sound as good as the redbase RCA at a fraction of the cost. A bit of pleasant warmth in the midrange, plus some reports indicate the side mounted getter adds ridigity to the plate structure, reducing microphonics. The GTA is the early version of this tube and sought out for it's mellow sound. Some are other labels, all are GE made.Matched pairs $119.00!


in Stock

6SN7GTB by General Electric With Side Getter, short glass envelope, copper grid posts.

New Old Stock Original Box and whitebox. These sound as good as the redbase RCA at a fraction of the cost. A bit of pleasant warmth in the midrange, plus some reports indicate the side mounted getter adds ridigity to the plate structure, reducing microphonics. These are a bargain now, but as "fad" NOS tubes vanish, these quality USA performers will be worth their weight in gold. Matched pairs $75.00!


in stock

6SN7GT Sylvania black STAGGERED Plates, green label, medium glass envelope, bottom getter. LOWER PRICE! MATCHED PAIR

New Old Stock White Box. Medium glass envelopes. These are mid to late 1940s vintage, among the best 6SN7 types ever made, and are in very limited supply. These are the only Sylvania 6SN7 tubes made without the triangular shaped plates. These tubes are sought out for their flat, "staggered" blackplates, since these tubes are essentially the same as the rare and expensive Ken Rad VT-231. Matched to within 2 percent Gm. Most have OEM labels. SINGLE TUBES, WHEN AVAILABLE, ARE $55.00 EACH.

$119.00 per pair

out of stock

6SN7GT Sylvania black STAGGERED Plates, green label, medium glass envelope, bottom getter .

New Old Stock White Box. Medium glass envelopes. These are mid to late 1940s vintage, among the best 6SN7 types ever made, and are in very limited supply. These are the only Sylvania 6SN7 tubes made without the triangular shaped plates. These tubes are sought out for their flat, "staggered" blackplates, since these tubes are essentially the same as the rare and expensive Ken Rad VT-231. Most made for other brands, but are Sylvania made. Priced per single tube.


in stock

CHS-6SN7WGT brownbase JAN Sylvania, military 3 rivet hole "Bad Boy" blackplate clearglass, "chrome dome", short glass envelope.MATCHED PAIR

New Old Stock whitte box. Very fine sounding, very rare blackplates from the 1940s, made for US military. These are exclusive 1950s production with the 3 rivet hole plates known as the "Bad Boy", and these are the ultra rare military version with chrome domes and low loss brown micanol bases. These rival the RCA 5692 redbase, or the Tung Sol oval plate in quality, and are just as scarce. VERY difficult to find these in pairs! Also have a few singles, brownbase and blackbase, at $145.00 each.

$299.00 per pair

out of stock

6SN7GT/GTA Sylvania early green label, triangular blackplate clearglass, bottom getter, medium glass envelope, "Bad Boy" type.MATCHED PAIR

New Old Stock white box. Very fine sounding, very rare blackplates from the period 1949-1953, currently 2-rivet and 3-rivet plate type, identical to those made for US military (VT-231). This is the "Bad Boy" era 6SN7GT Sylvania that has been getting much favorable press lately. No wonder, these rival the RCA 5692 redbase in quality, and are just as scarce. This batch was industrial stock that has been screened for low noise and uniform output, some have a yellow ID number on the top or heat stamped into the base. A few are military stock. We have ear tested these for noise. VERY difficult to find these in pairs! Also have a few singles at $75.00 each. PRICES ARE FOR THE 2 RIVET HOLE VERSION. Call or email for the rare 3 hole type stock levels, $90 each, $190 per pair. The sonics are the same for both types.

$160.00 per pair

one 3 rivet hole in stock

6SN7GT/GTA Sylvania made OEM label, triangular blackplate or gunmetal plate clearglass, bottom getter, medium glass envelope, "Bad Boy" 2 rivet hole plate type.MATCHED PAIR

New Old Stock white box. Very fine sounding, very rare blackplates from the period 1949-1953 (including the 2-rivet plate 1951), identical to those made for US military (VT-231). This is the "Bad Boy" 6SN7GT Sylvania that has been getting much favorable press lately. No wonder, these rival the RCA 5692 redbase in quality, and are just as scarce. Save big on these Sylvania made Bad Boy tubes, that are made and labeled for other brands. Same tube different label. Lower price! MATCHED PAIRS ARE $99.00! Prices here are for he 2 rivet hole version, OEM labels. THREE RIVET HOLE VERSION (RARE) IS $75 EACH, EMAIL FOR STOCK LEVELS.


one 3 rivet OEM in Stock

6SN7GT or GTA early fat base 3 rivet hole type, Sylvania Triangular Plates, Sylvania and OEM label, heavy top getter (chrome top). MATCHED PAIRS

New Old Stock Original Box and White Box. This is the rare civilian version of the late 1940s Sylvania 6SN7W military tube. These are short bottle with 3 rivet holes in the plates like the later Bad Boy type, and heavy chrome dome getter flashing. Save over the rare W type, these sound the same! Single tubes are $90.00 each.

$180.00 per pair

in stock

6SN7GT / or early GTA type, Sylvania Triangular Plates, Sylvania green or yellow label, early 1950s, heavy top getter (chrome top). MATCHED PAIRS

New Old Stock Original Box and White Box. Short glass envelopes. These are late 1940s vintage, among the best 6SN7 types ever made, and are in very limited supply. Closely matched under load for Gm and plate current. These are the "civilian" version of the 6SN7W military tubes listed above, and probably one of the best non-military types around. These are the shorties with the heavy top and sides getter flashing. These are not like the later yellow and red label GTB types of the '50s and '60s, with the smalll top getter patch. A few single tubes available at $60.00 each. CLIENT COMMENTS: "Had the Sylvania 6sn7 gta's for a few days now.....man are these fantastic! These have really livened up my system! They are in a Yaqin cd3 tube buffer....which I was getting ready to put in storage because I did not think it was helping my system at all......I figured I would give it one more chance with these Sylvania's you recommended and I am very happy I did! Dynamics are greater, soundstage is bigger, bass is tighter....improved everything really. Thanks for the recommendation!!!! J.W." MORE CLIENT COMMENTS: "Bonsoir Brent, I received the tubes this morning. It’s a very good match with the Aesthetix Atlas!!! They sound GREAT, and above all, very quiet. Many Thanks, Brent, for your help and advice. J.L."

$119.00 per pair

in Stock

6SN7GT / or early GTA type, Sylvania made OEM labels, Triangular Plates, green label type, early 1950s, heavy top getter (chrome top)

New Old Stock Original Box and White Box. Short glass envelopes. These are late 1940s vintage, among the best 6SN7 types ever made, and are in very limited supply. These are Sylvania made for other brands, with labels like Philco, Zenith, and Motorola. Closely matched under load for Gm and plate current. These are the "civilian" version of the military tubes listed above, and probably one of the best non-military types around. These are the shorties with the heavy top and sides getter flashing. These are not like the later yellow and red label GTB types of the '50s and '60s, with the smalll top getter patch. Tubes are matched electrically, brands on label may vary. Here is a chance to try a rare Sylvania tube at a savings.MATCHED PAIRS, WHEN AVAILABLE, ARE JUST $75.00 PER PAIR.


in Stock

6SN7GTB Sylvania Triangular Plates, yellow and early green label, early 1950s, heavy top getter (chrome dome). MATCHED PAIR

New Old Stock Original Box and White Box. Short glass envelopes, identical to the GTA above. More stock just in! These are late 1940s-early 1950s vintage (most with the early green label), very first issue of the GTB type, among the best 6SN7 types ever made, and are in very limited supply. Closely matched under load for Gm and plate current.These are the "civilian" version of the military tubes listed above, and probably one of the best non-military types around. These are the very first of the GTB types, but are from the same period as the GTA tubes, with the heavy chrome dome getter flashing extending up to 1/2 inch down the sides of the tube. These are not like the later yellow and red label GTB types of the '50s and '60s, with the smalll top getter patch. CLIENT COMMENTS: "Hi, Brent. I just wanted to thank you for the tube recommendations. I got the Sylvania's yesterday and installed today. A noticeable improvement - a punchier presentation, more immediate. Even the soundstage is more focused. Very happy! J.D."

$119.00 per pair

in Stock

6SN7GTB Sylvania Triangular Plates, yellow or green label, early 1950s, heavy top getter (chrome dome).

New Old Stock Original Box and White Box. Short glass envelopes. These are late 1940s vintage, among the best 6SN7 types ever made, and are in very limited supply. These are the "civilian" version of the military tubes listed above, and probably one of the best non-military types around. These are the very first of the GTB types, but are from the same period as the GTA tubes, with the heavy top and sides getter flashing. These are not like the later yellow and red label GTB types of the '50s and '60s, with the smalll top getter patch. Priced per single tube.


in stock

6SN7GTB Sylvania made OEM labels, Triangular Plates, green label, early 1950s, heavy top getter (chrome top).

New Old Stock Original Box and White Box. Short glass envelopes. These are late 1940s vintage, among the best 6SN7 types ever made, and are in very limited supply. These are the same tubes as those labeled Sylvania like above, but these are made for Motorola, Philco, and other brands. These are the "civilian" version of the military tubes listed above, and probably one of the best non-military types around. These are the very first of the GTB types, but are from the same period as the GTA tubes, with the heavy top and sides getter flashing. These are not like the later yellow and red label GTB types of the '50s and '60s, with the smalll top getter patch. MATCHED PAIRS, WHEN AVAILABLE, ARE JUST $80.00 PER PAIR.


in stock

6SN7GTB Sylvania Triangular Plates & Top Getter ("chrome top")

New Old Stock original box and White Box. This is the early version of the "triangular plate" 6SN7 and is in great demand today. Mostly short glass envelope. 1960s vintage, yellow and red labels. MATCHED PAIRS $75.00!


In Stock

Select low noise audio grade Baldwin organ stock 6SN7GTB made by Sylvania, early 1960s vintage.

New Old Stock White Box. Great blackplate tall boy Sylvania GTB tubes screened for demanding use in electronic organs. All have passed the Baldwin factory test for audio use and have the select colored dot on top! This is the Sylvania made 1950s-1960s version 6SN7 and is in great demand today. MUCH better than the Russian or Chinese tubes available today, at about the same price! Tall glass envelope, full width octal base (not coin base)marked with the green Baldwin label. Organ tubes are especially fine sounding in audio equipment, and we have carefully matched these into pairs and also have singles available. MATCHED PAIRS $119.00!


in stock

6SN7GT/A/B Various USA Brands, various sizes.

New Old Stock Original Box and White Box. Mostly Raytheon and Westinghouse made tubes, with brands such as Zenith, Silvertone, CBS, Arvin, Motorola, and many others. Excellent vintage NOS USA tubes, bargain price!


In Stock


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